
#1 Swiss Functional
CBD Brand


Unique Function
For Each Product

Precision is our trademark. Unlike many CBD brands that sell a generic CBD product to broadly address numerous consumer problems, we create individual formulas with unique benefits to respond precisely to consumer concerns.

Precision is our trademark. Unlike many CBD brands that sell a generic CBD product to broadly address numerous consumer problems, we create individual formulas with unique benefits to respond precisely to consumer concerns.

CBD With Additional
Natural Extracts

We combine CBD with other botanical extracts to enhance the product's function and its positive effect on the individual’s wellbeing. We source from the rich botanical world to create products different from the mass market.

We combine CBD with other botanical extracts to enhance the product's function and its positive effect on the individual’s wellbeing. We source from the rich botanical world to create products different from the mass market.

Vast Spectrum
Of Benefits

100% natural CBD products designed to help in precise areas such as skin health, stress management, sleep improvement, muscle recovery & more.

100% natural CBD products designed to help in precise areas such as skin health, stress management, sleep improvement, muscle recovery & more.

Raw Materials

All our ingredients are traceable, the hemp used for our CBD is BioSuisse certified, we use organic ingredients and keep our products vegan to the best of our ability.

All our ingredients are traceable, the hemp used for our CBD is BioSuisse certified, we use organic ingredients and keep our products vegan to the best of our ability.

Advanced Cosmetic

We use advanced technologies to ensure quality in all our products. From an award-winning micelle encapsulation technology to CO2 extraction, through lamellar phase technology & more.

We use advanced technologies to ensure quality in all our products. From an award-winning micelle encapsulation technology to CO2 extraction, through lamellar phase technology & more.


All our products are registered as cosmetics. In our experience, this limits potential legal/advertising policy frictions when it comes to dealing with CBD products.

All our products are registered as cosmetics. In our experience, this limits potential legal/advertising policy frictions when it comes to dealing with CBD products.

CBD Portfolio

CBD Creams

Over 98% Natural Origin

Innovative Hemp Complex

Lamellar Phase Technology

1% Pure CBD (Isolate)

CBD Oils

Skincare & Oral Care

Natural & Organic

Broad Spectrum CBD Extract


Water-Soluble CBD

Award-Winning Technology

4.5x Better Absorption

Pure CBD (Isolate)


- Over 98% Natural Origin
- Innovative Hemp Complex
- Lamellar Phase Technology
- 1% Pure CBD (Isolate)

- Skincare & Oral Care
- Natural & Organic
- Broad Spectrum CBD Extract
- THC-Free

- 4.5x Better Absorption
- Award-Winning Technology
- Pure CBD (Isolate)
- THC-Free

Product Catalog

What Is CBD?

Swiss Functional CBD

Additional Botanical Extracts To Target Specific CBD Benefits













Businesses We Work With


Gyms & Wellness Centers



Herbalist Shops

Big Scale Distributors

Online Retailers

Compliance &
Registration Support

Sales Team

& Quoting

How We Work Together

Flawless Order

Definition Of
Procurement Plan


How We Work Together

1. Definition of Procurement Plan

We work with you to understand your clients and business and suggest AlpReleaf products best suited for your business.

2. Contracting & Quoting

We will draft and discuss the most appropriate terms and conditions with the best quoting in the market.

3. Compliance & Registration Support

Complying with rules, regulations and advertising policies can be challenging when dealing with CBD products. Luckily, we know all about it and are here to guide you.

4. Sales Team Training

We will transfer our knowledge and expertise about CBD, AlpReleaf and its products to your sales-team.

5. Flawless Order Fulfillment

We will transfer our knowledge and expertise about CBD, AlpReleaf and its products to your sales-team.

6. After-Sales Support

We believe in building strong and long lasting relationships and will always be one phone call or email away.

Find AlpReleaf Products

Frequent Questions

Does CBD get you high?

CBD (Cannabidiol) does not have psychotropic effects. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile and human studies have reported no signs of physical dependence (eg. withdrawal, tolerance) from its use.

What is the difference between CBD and THC?

The biggest difference between these two molecules: CBD (Cannabidiol) and THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is their chemical structure: where CBD contains a hydroxyl group (OH), THC contains a cyclic ring. The cyclic ring in THC makes this part of the molecule flat, whereas CBD is 3 dimensional. This “small” difference in the molecular structure allows THC to bind perfectly with the CB1 receptor (primarily located in the central nervous system) and produce the psychotropic effect that it is known for. CBD does not have that cyclic ring, hence it does not affect the CB1 receptors which makes it non-psychotropic and does not cause it to be “intoxicated”.

Is CBD legal in my country?

Each country has their specific rules in regards to hemp/cannabis and it includes CBD. Even within the European markets there are some disparities. Please contact your local authorities to understand the laws and rules currently in place.

Is CBD meant for everyday use?

CBD is a versatile molecule, it can be used as part of your daily routine or it can be used occasionally. (For long term use, it is preferable to talk to your healthcare provider first.)

How is CBD beneficial for skin?

CBD is an excellent cosmetic active ingredient. CBD helps to strengthen, protect and balance the skin for a healthier, youthful-looking skin. It is a potent antioxidant. It has strong anti-sebum properties and helps reduce oily skin conditions. It is a skin conditioner, leaving your skin soft and supple by preventing cracking, flaking and chapping. It is a skin protectant to protect your skin from external aggressions like smog… It is not a UV filter and does not protect against the UV from the sun.

Does CBD really help with stress management & anxiety?

CBD is one of the most researched cannabinoids. From animal and human studies, CBD has shown to have anxiolytic, antidepressant, and antipsychotic effects. More large-scale studies are needed to fully understand its mechanisms and further evaluate its potential in the management of these issues.

Does CBD really help with sleep?

CBD has the ability to calm the nervous system. There are multiple studies showing the benefits of CBD on sleep quality and quantity, insomnia, anxiety, pain, etc (Pain and anxiety generally contributes to poor quality sleep, insufficient sleep and sleep disorders). We still need more research on CBD before fully understanding how it affects our sleep. As more research is done, we will be able to learn more about why and how CBD helps improve our sleep.

Does CBD really help with menstruation?

The efficacy of CBD for reducing inflammation and alleviating pain signals is the main reason why women are using CBD during their period or when they are experiencing premenstrual syndrome. Studies on CBD and menstrual cramps are still limited. However, research has shown that CBD is an inhibitor of the COX-2 enzyme (but has no affinity with the COX-1 enzyme) which means that CBD can reduce inflammation without causing stomach irritation and ulcers often associated with typical pain relievers (NSAIDs - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen). Another study has investigated the effect of CBD on both physical and psychological MRS (menstrual-related symptoms). CBD showed an improvement on the severity of symptoms, global impression of change, anxiety, irritability, and stress.

How is CBD good for muscles and joints?

CBD has a wide spectrum of biological activities, including pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Animal studies have shown CBD’s potential in these 2 categories, however, there is no rigorous clinical studies in humans that can confirm these findings. It must be noted that some people with arthritis who have tried CBD report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement, etc… (but not all). The findings are so far encouraging but more research is needed to confirm that CBD is an effective treatment for arthritis pain.

Does CBD really help with focus?

CBD interacts with multiple receptors within our body and this includes serotonin receptors, dopamine receptors... Serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitters that help regulate many bodily functions such as memory, focus, energy, motivation, pleasure, reward… When you are under major stress, your body starts to produce cortisol. High levels of cortisol may restrict your ability to focus and to maintain mental clarity. Research has shown that CBD can help manage this issue by interacting with the excess of cortisol. As a result, the brain can release more dopamine and serotonin. So CBD can help you focus and clear brain fog to help you perform your daily tasks.

Product Catalog