Effervescent Tablets


Product Catalog

Businesses We Work With


Gyms & Wellness Centers



Herbalist Shops

Big Scale Distributors

Online Retailers

Compliance &
Registration Support

Sales Team

& Quoting

How We
Work Together

Flawless Order

Definition Of
Procurement Plan


How We Work Together

1. Definition of Procurement Plan

We work with you to understand your clients and business and suggest Fast&Up products best suited for your business.

2. Contracting & Quoting

We will draft and discuss the most appropriate terms and conditions with the best quoting in the market.

3. Compliance & Registration Support

Your order is fulfilled within days and if production is needed we will work out a short time frame.

4. Sales Team Training

We will transfer our knowledge and expertise about Fast&Up and its products to your sales-team.

5. Flawless Order Fulfillment

We strive to fulfill your order promptly, typically within a matter of days. In the event that production is required, we'll collaborate with you to establish a time frame. You can access our product catalog to obtain information about production lead times for our offerings.

6. After-Sales Support

We believe in building strong and long lasting relationships and will always be one phone call or email away.

Product Catalog